Cryptocurrency’s Leading Role: Traditional Institutions vs. Innovation - Insights from Consensus 2024

Join us on June 13th for a free online event, Consensus 2024, to explore the evolving roles of traditional financial institutions in cryptocurrency and the unique opportunities for Japan in gaming, RWA, and stablecoins.

Jun 3, 2024 - 16:24
Cryptocurrency’s Leading Role: Traditional Institutions vs. Innovation - Insights from Consensus 2024
Image Coindesk Japan

In January, the approval of a Bitcoin ETF in the United States reinvigorated the Bitcoin and broader cryptocurrency market. The so-called ‘crypto winter’ of years past seems to be a distant memory now.

However, there are concerns that Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision is dissipating as Bitcoin increasingly falls under the control of major financial institutions. The direction of cryptocurrency is at a crossroads: has it moved beyond the phase of idealism to one of mature asset class? Yet, when we consider the current situation in Japan…

The “Consensus 2024 Report” will share the tangible atmosphere of both official and unofficial discussions experienced in Austin, Texas

Event Overview: Houshou Karasawa of Accenture will share this year’s most notable themes and personally intriguing topics. Ryo Matsubara, Representative Director of Oasys, who announced a new roadmap at a local side event, will discuss the potential of Web3 gaming. Additionally, Tsuyoshi Masuda, Representative Director of the Japan Security Token Association, will delve into the differences in awareness and initiatives between Japan and the U.S. regarding RWA tokenization, revealing opportunities for Japan.

The moderator will be Yuki Kamimoto, CEO of N.Avenue/coindesk JAPAN, who also participated in the event.

Event Details: Date: June 13, 2024 (Thursday), 18:30-20:00 Format: Online via Zoom Target Audience:

  • Individuals interested in the latest trends and future outlook of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and Web3.
  • Those seeking insights into the movements of traditional financial institutions (TradFi), the U.S. regulatory environment, and the latest development cases.
  • Anyone eager to understand the real passion within the U.S. cryptocurrency/Web3 industry.

Organizer: N.Avenue Inc. / Media Partner: CoinDesk JAPAN


  • Houshou Karasawa | Managing Director, Business Consulting Group, Strategy Unit, Accenture
  • Ryo Matsubara | Representative Director, Oasys PTE. LTD
  • Tsuyoshi Masuda | Representative Director, General Incorporated Association Japan Security Token Association
  • Yuki Kamimoto | CEO, N.Avenue

Source: Coindesk Japan

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